tattooing, PIERCING, art INSTALLATIONS, creatiNG spacE.


When Sacred was created in 1990 we were Underground at 365 Canal Street.
Originally called Canal Street Tattoo but renamed Kaleidoscope Tattoo
to reflect Anil Gupta’s wide talents.
Kaleidoscope became the center working for the Legalization of Tattooing in New York. With City Council support and the support of all the 50 or 60 tattooists at the time the NY City Council forced the Health Department to rescind their prohibition, and Tattooing was declared a legitimate activity in 1998.
Our studio had a direct history in the struggle.
Around 2004-5 Sean Vasquez became lead Tattooist re-naming the studio
Sacred Tattoo. Kate Hellenbrand became manager a year later
Some of the world's most famous artists cut their teeth here.
At out newest location, 264 Canal St. if you look up you will see
our 2nd Floor windows overlooking Canal St, next to McDonald’s.
Not a Gallery, rather creative new Tattoo Art Installation themes.
Currently see our New Tattoo Art Installation, “Chinyo Dragon”
Authentic beautifully framed Lars Krutak Photos
Some Eunju Kang prints, DG Wilson Tattoo Art
Come and visit, leave with a tattoo, a piercing, even a piece of Art.


We provide the opportunity for experienced tattoo artists to call Sacred their home. Our spacious studio allows for multiple artists to work in their individual spaces at a time. We lease open booths as well as private rooms, please contact us if you are interested in joining our diverse team of creatives.